How To Purchase
- Click on the “add to cart” button to put it into your shopping cart.You can view the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking the “View Cart” link at the top of the webpage. When you have finished adding all of the titles you intend to purchase, go to the shopping cart page and click the “Proceed to checkout” button.
- Verify your account (by clicking on the “Returning customer” link) or create a new account. If you have an existing account (returning customer), enter your username or email, and password in the provided text fields.
- To complete your order, you must select a method of shipping, shipping option, and enter your payment information. When you have finished entering all necessary information, you must choose a method of payment:
a) Direct Bank Transfer to our bank account (IBAN: GR3402600370000010200901104, BIC: ERBKGRAA, bank: EUROBANK EFG, KONSTANTINOS ATHANASOGLOU). Don’t forget to mention the Order Number in the payment.
b) Credit Card, Pay Via Piraeus Bank: Accepts Mastercard, Visa cards, etc. WE DO NOT STORE ANY CREDIT CARD NUMBER IN OUR DATABASE. All transactions are processed by Piraeus Bank.
After choosing the payment method you press the “Place Order” button. Upon successful completion of your order you will be forwarded to the order completion page. The order number and total will be displayed on this page, as well as additional information pertaining to your order. If you chose Direct Bank Transfer, you MUST mention the Order Number when you make your payment. It is important to retain your order number for future reference and correspondence. You can check your order status at anytime by clicking on the Your Account button at the top of the web page.